Saturday, January 22, 2011

Series 6 Monsters

So Doctor Who TV has released an updated list (with pictures!) of all the monsters to be found in Series 6. Here are my (very brief) thoughts on each one. Also, keep in mind that I'm just forming my thoughts off of what I see in the pictures/descriptions, and that the Moff might just be his regular twisted self and not throw out any of these in the actual episodes.

1). Greys/"Silents"

First off, nice suit. Second off, this looks delicious and creepy with a sort of Slender Man vibe to it, even though it's far more defined than Slender Man was ever supposed to be. The big "alien" head with big "alien" eyes looks like a throwback to the days of smaller budgets, but I sort of like the whole classic feel of this.

2). Ood

Say what you want about them (I've seen quite a lot of Ood-hate in the forums I frequent) but I fucking LOVE the Ood. I love the dichotomy of what their appearance suggests versus what they actually are, and I love how they can switch from pitiful to terrifying and back again. Most of all I love their polite British voices informing you that they will either kill you or bring you a cuppa. Also, now they are green! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

(In case you couldn't tell, I get excited about Ood.)

3). Clones

Two identical Doctors...I can't even tell you what I'm thinking right now.
Also, rumours suggest that the TARDIS may also be cloned. Does that mean that's where we'll see the return of the duplicate TARDIS from "The Lodger", which showed up in the S6 trailer? If so, my nerdboner would be most pleased.

4). Sontarans

Apparently some filming pictures showed a lone Sontaran on the set of a certain Series 6 episode. Uh...I"m not too psyched about this, to be honest. The Sontarans always seemed to me like ripoff Klingons. I don't mind a couple jokey episodes with funny villains, but I can never take the Sontarans seriously even when they start killing people. Granted, this may be an effect of the Moff's insight into their secret origins...

5). Dolls

(in conclusion, dolls are scary)

6). Cybermen

The link that Doctor Who TV gave under "Cybermen" led back to the Sontaran article, so uh... yeah, no picture of Series 6 Cybermen to show you. I'm iffy on this one. When done well, the Cybermen can be terrifying, but I wouldn't mind getting away from the classic monsters more and seeing some brand new ones (exhibits 1, 3, and 5, above).
7). Weeping Angels

Apparently it's not likely that they'll be in Series 6, but the Weeping Angels have been my favourite monsters so far so I'm just going to ignore that. I absolutely adore them and they make me piss my pants in fear. I still think the Doctor, Amy, and Rory should wear special one-way mirror-hats or something...although I suppose it wouldn't be very scary if they were always prepared for an encounter with the Angels, would it?

If they do show up, I will be very happy. But I hope they don't show them actually moving like they did in Flesh and Stone. That erodes some of the mystique, somehow.

And finally...

8). Daleks

Seeing as you already know how I feel about the Daleks, I'm just going to put the picture of the Fabulous Rainbow Quintuplets up here and leave it at that. Speculation about their appearance in Series 6 is still continuing despite the hints that they won't be seen this time. I...well, personally, you know I'd rather go with the hints. Better to leave the Daleks as the unstoppable terror-machines of our memories than the tea-serving, bumper-car-twirling, and subsequently funky fashionable colour-scheming jokes of today, that's what I always say.

What I'm most excited for: Greys/"Silents", Ood, Weeping Angels
What I'm least excited for: Sontarans, Daleks
What I wish I were doing right now: Not going through serious DW withdrawal


  1. I'd love to see the Angels come back too. Blink was the first episode I ever saw of Doctor Who and I soiled myself.

  2. Agreed. I will admit I also had to change my pants. *ahem*

  3. The Lodger TARDIS will be coming back in the opening two parter. In the trailer where it appears, you can see River wearing the same clothes seen in Utah, flashing a torch :D.
